

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 上海市 嘉定区 嘉定镇街道 上海市嘉定区外冈镇西冈身路777号
  • 姓名: 黄立慧
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定



  • 所属行业:丝印特印 丝印油墨颜料 金属油墨
  • 发布日期:2023-02-11
  • 阅读量:478
  • 价格:180.00 元/公斤 起
  • 产品规格:1公斤
  • 产品数量:100000.00 公斤
  • 包装说明:按订单
  • 发货地址:上海嘉定嘉定  
  • 关键词:不锈钢表面丝印油墨,丝印不锈钢表面油墨,不锈钢油墨


    本产品采用高级进口丙烯酸树脂和高级颜料经过细制研磨加工组合而成,适用于各种金属、玻璃、陶瓷、石材、电镀(含水电镀)、阳极氧化铝表面、静电喷漆面及烤漆面等制品的丝印及移印,不需加固化剂,不需烘烤,即可获得优异的附着力。油墨特性:1、平光(如需亮光请选择我司JL系列)、附着力佳、耐酒精、耐化学品;2、手感好,流平性佳、面光洁;3、表面硬度好,耐冲击性能强、抗刮伤;4、耐酒精、耐化学品程度佳;印刷:选用网目为100-420目,以120T聚酯单丝、感光胶网版计算涂覆盖面积每公斤达35~40㎡。表干时间自然挥发5-10分钟,实干时间在24小时以内,48小时后达较佳性能。1.用B-03**稀释剂开油水2.用718洗网水洗网。3.可选择添加JS-9硬化剂10%用于增加油墨附着力及物理化学抗性。4.烤箱80℃烘烤30分钟佳能更优。测试方法(完全干燥后):1.3M胶纸粘在画有百格的油墨表面45度角迅速拉起不脱油。2.纯度99%的酒精500G力在油墨表面来回擦拭200次无脱色。使用方法:1.使用前应充分搅拌,用后随时密封。2.搅拌时先加固化剂静置10分钟后,再加稀释剂10-15%,稀释到印刷粘度。3. 加入固化剂的油墨使用时限为4-6小时,过期请弃用,剩余油墨不可回收。4.网版塞网时可用洗网水清洗。5.不得与其它类型油墨混合使用。注意事项:1.各种物料的外观相似,但可能会是不同的材料,客户需先试印,确其符合要求后,再批量生产。2.在移印过程中,如出现拉丝或散开现象,可适当加入一些慢干膏即可。3.环境温度过高,将会影响油墨原有质量。4.请远离火源,避光保存。
    Product Name: Ou Les anodic alumina dry metal [ ] series of silk screen printing ink
    Product Name: Ou Les anodic alumina stem from the metal silk screen printing ink
    This product adopts advanced imported acrylic resin and pigment through fine grinding senior system combination, applicable to all kinds of metal, glass, ceramic, stone, electroplating ( aqueous electroplating ), anodic alumina surface, electrostatic spray painting surface and face painting and other products and silk screen printing, without curing agent, without baking, can be to obtain excellent adhesion. Ink characteristics:1, Matt (as required. Please choose our JL Series ), adhesive force is good, alcohol resistance, chemical resistance;2, good hand feeling, leveling, good surface finish;3, surface hardness, impact resistance, strong resistance to scratching;4, alcohol resistant, chemical resistant degree preferred; printing : selection of mesh for100-420,120T polyester monofilament, photosensitive adhesive coated area screen calculation every kilograms amount to 35~ 40square meters. Surface dry time natural volatile5-10 minutes, drying time is in 24 hours,48 hours after the best performance. 1B-03special thinner open water2718wash wash water network. 3can choose to add the JS-9hardening agent10% is used for increasing the adhesion of the oil ink and physical and chemical resistance. 4to 80 DEG C baking oven30 minutes more and canon. Test method ( completely dry ) : 1.3M gummed paper in the painting has hundred grid ink surface angle of 45 degrees to quickly pulled off oil. 299% of the purity of alcohol500G force on the surface of the printing ink and wipe back and forth200 times without decolorization. Method of use:1before use should be fully stirred, use at any time after the seal. When the first and2 mixing curing agent standing for 10minutes, plus diluent10-15%, diluted to printing viscosity. 3adding curing agent ink time limit for4-6 hours, please not expired, the remaining ink unrecyclable. 4screen plug mesh can be used when washing network wa
    欢迎来到上海兆恬实业有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市嘉定区嘉定镇街道上海市嘉定区外冈镇西冈身路777号,老板是代艳红。 主要经营丝印特印相关产品。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我司为您提供PP免处理油墨的详细产品价格、产品图片等产品介绍信息,如果您对我公司的产品有兴趣,请在线留言或者来电咨询。